............Looking back at the last one and a half month seems nothing more than a scheduled plan or a routine followed by a normal working man. But the ‘working’ isn’t as normal for the ‘man’ as it should. Apart from a day-to-day lecture plan, formal dress-up and white dust of the chalk here and there on my trousers, a set of transformations have also accompanied me on this new journey.
I remember having a silly ambition of being a teacher or a professor in my early school days, as I could see the clarity of concepts (and so the thoughts, I believed then) in my favorite teachers. And I should now say that those were the people who really deserved to be called a ‘teacher’.
Being a lecturer brought an undiscovered and unexpected path that led to what I believe as ‘introspection’. Not only the giggles of back-benchers and the curious eyes watching you teach make you feel conscious, but it’s the inner self, too, that compels you to explore your own strength and weakness, your ability to express, communicate, and impart the most valuable asset in this world, ‘knowledge’. I felt it as not merely a ‘job’ I had, but a ‘responsibility’ I carried.
Oh well, now I’m being quite boring but there’s a lot more fun to be on the other side of the fence. Like, to start with, no matter how good you might prepare your lecture, you certainly have to face the backbenchers, who might not be harsh, but certainly annoying sometimes. To be asked in between the lecture was actually exhilarating.
The best part comes during exams, when you are the one to set a paper (remembering the days when you used to curse the person who did that for you…!), invigilate (seeing people trying to cheat is actually annoying as in a sense, the cheater is trying to deceive your presence, which you don’t like at all..!! And yeah, I must say the all different kinds of faces that an examinee makes while going through various emotional and psychological upheavals, are very funny…!) and then to check those answer sheets (when you have to go through certain matter a hundred times or worse, to cut marks for a common mistake made by half of the class. But certainly there are answers that will always make you laugh, or even cry…!). In a way, I ‘completed’ my college life now.
...........Another phase of life that now comes to an end after the news of joining at accenture will certainly remain penned down in the heart and the blog is mere a preface.